Industry 4.0: Intelligent manufacturing with smart services
The “fourth industrial revolution” and “Industry 4.0” – these keywords describe changes currently propelling industrial sectors into a new age: The fusion of manufacturing and IT. Going forward, manufacturing processes will no longer be controlled by advance programming of the machine but through the intelligent networking of data – for improved flexibility, speed and customisation. Elabs helps you identify the pending changes for your sector in the age of Industry 4.0 now, revealing the potential for new business models for your company – and how to transform your manufacturing into a Smart Factory with networked but nevertheless highly secure processes.
Fusion of manufacturing and IT
Industry 4.0 means intelligent communication between machines, work pieces and finished products. They are equipped with embedded systems that sample their environment with sensors, process the information received with miniature computers and adapt their behaviour in seconds. At the same time they continuously exchange data over the same network with other connected objects, which adapt their own actions promptly based on the information received. All of the interconnected objects communicate with other parts of the company over the internet – from order management to bookkeeping to inventory management. Customer behaviour plays an active role in the manufacturing process as well. Technical and business applications are integrated, transforming your production into a dynamic process that is always adapting to current requirements and technical possibilities.
Your vision
New technologies will drive major changes in industrial production during the next five years. Elabs supports you from the outset with a market perspective and sustainable prospects for the future of your company.
Your development
New technologies will drive major changes in industrial production during the next five years. Elabs supports you from the outset with a market perspective and sustainable prospects for the future of your company.
Your strategy
Advised by Elabs, you implement the best strategies, concepts and approaches for all your company’s Industry 4.0 objectives.
Your partnerships
Sales will also undergo fundamental changes through recommendation services, sales portals and service-product configurators. Elabs tells you how.
Your projects
Elabs has experienced pilots who accompany you to your milestones and project successes according to plan.
Your know-how
With workshops and training from Elabs, you gain a lasting IT knowledge advantage as a Smart Factory.
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