Solutions that always work – guaranteed

“No work, just IT” – that has been our motto since the company’s founding because Elabs IT services always work like a charm. We see ourselves as an external IT department for our customers and also give them new freedom to focus on their core business. Not only are we convinced that virtually all challenges in the modern working world can be mastered with innovative IT solutions, this is the quintessence of our many years of successfully working for our customers. Our goal is to always find exactly the IT solution that best supports you for top entrepreneurial performance in your field of business.

Our promise: Guaranteed customer satisfaction

Elabs IT services always work as agreed – we guarantee your satisfaction. Service level agreements (SLAs) describe all agreed services as well as your rights and our obligations in case of a deviation clearly and in detail. To make the quality of our performance transparent for you at all times, the functional readiness of our IT and all other agreed quality characteristics are continuously measured and the measurement results are logged. You can always rely on us to act promptly, even in response to the most minor deviations from the agreed IT service quality.

We deliver solutions, not new IT problems

Elabs IT does not create new problems but delivers solution that truly add value. We earn our money with IT services that work reliably, delivered to our customers at monthly fixed prices. Our highly qualified employees work with the latest technologies, making the flexible delivery of IT services at attractive prices possible even in small quantities or customised. Updates and maintenance are naturally part of the scope of work for our IT services. For us they are not sources of additional income but part of our quality promise. This means our customers can be confident that Elabs IT always works reliably, which is in our own best interest.

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